Rawa Kucing Integrated Waste Treatment Facility
This project represents a comprehensive waste treatment and management facility combining various technology of waste sorting, combustion, food waste digestion, and final disposal. It is expected to provide the Municipal Government of the City of Tangerang with a long-term and environmentally-friendly waste management infrastructure to support its economic growth. Construction is expected to commence 2023-2025.
Partnership with City of Tangerang and PLN
The Projects represents a partnership between private investing entity, the City of Tangerang and Indonesia’s utility company PLN. Each represent significantly important stakeholder in sharing the risks and responsibilities to spring this development forward. Whereas Oligo is responsible to raise fund and implements the project, the City of Tangerang contributes through provision of land, collection of wastes, as well as pay-per-use waste management fee.
Additionally, every kWh of power generated by the project are to be sold to the utility grid to lower the pay-per-use waste management fees. This partnership helps reduce the cost of the facility for the tax-payers of the City of Tangerang.